Working start for school pupil - 8848

Working start for school pupil

A Canterbury business is supporting a local independent school’s work placement programme by housing one of its pupils.

Patrik Moxam who attends Small Haven School in Ramsgate has been at EuroCanterbury Volkswagen to learn how the retailer works.

Small Haven School is an independent educational facility that caters to the needs of children with emotional, social and behavioural difficulties.

The 14-year-old has spent every afternoon for a four week period being shown all aspects of the business. Patrik said: “It’s been fantastic and very knowledgeable and I thank my school for setting it up for me”.

EuroCanterbury’s sales manager, Chris Evans, added: “It was lovely having Patrik spend some time with us, showing him how our business works and passing on some of our skills he may find useful during his working life.”

Small Haven School works in a therapeutic manner and has a team of ten dedicated staff working on a small campus. This provides a safe environment for students who previously may have experienced insecurity and failure in other educational settings.

Small Haven School’s project manager, Ross White, said: “

We’re thrilled that EuroCanterbury Volkswagen can contribute to our educational programme by giving Patrik a placement, he had a great time and found it useful.

“At the school we have high expectations and provide students with the opportunities to increase self-awareness and confidence and the chance to work towards their full academic and social potential.”
