8848 Agency | Aiding the recovery with influencer marketing

Aiding the recovery with influencer marketing

We have lived – and to some extent still are living – through a time when people have never stayed at home more. In whatever walk of life, normal activity has been suspended and there has unsurprisingly been a substantial uptick in online activity. The impacts of Covid-19 have got businesses of all kinds looking for fast and affordable ways to market their business online, including influencer marketing .

Research figures provided by Kantar Covid-19 Barometer, comprising 25,000 consumers across 30 markets, revealed that Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp usage combined was up by 70 per cent, with social media engagement increasing by 60 percent.

In short, now has never been a better time to get your social media and online marketing strategies in order – and influencer marketing is one excellent route to market.

Selecting one individual – or more – with an in-depth knowledge and appreciation of a relevant subject matter or brand and an engaged social media following is the perfect combination. After all, more than anything, people respond to people.

Identifying the right person, however, is crucial and three major factors can determine that:

Expertise – does the product/brand being promoted match the influencer’s audience?

Reach – is the influencer present on the same channels and platforms as our target audience?

Audience demographic– do the buyer personas of the business match the influencer’s following?

Micro-influencers (those with a following between 1,000 – 100,000) are often considered the most cost-effective as they don’t require the large fee that macro-influencers (those with a following over 100k) often demand.

They also exist in a higher volume and it is easier for social audiences to form personal relationships with this level of influencers.  They may offer responses to questions and greater personal communication with their audience, offering a more consumer-relatable approach.

Perhaps they are your real-life customers? To be successful in your strategy, there needs to be authenticity behind the words and images, as this will attract engagement, awareness, and credibility.

We run a successful ambassador programme with one of the UK’s leading house builders, using their customers’ inspirational homes to enthuse others.The ambassador programme, paired with an Instagram competition that has generated more than 25,000 picture uploads, has formed an online community and sparked conversation between current and potential new customers.

If brands form relationships through their own social media activity, that of their influencers and their own consumers, online communities are formed that feel authentic and genuine. Social channel growth, engagement, brand awareness and subsequently, consumers will be more receptive to online selling.

Your potential customers are interacting all day, every day with their favourite brands and influencers online. Tell your brand story in a way that instantly resonates with your customers. Get it right, and your influencer marketing can evoke confidence in your brand and ultimately generate sales. It’s a great way to communicate.

If you would like some advice on influencer marketing, please get in touch or drop us an email on hello@8848agency.com
